☟ Result 2.2.2024 ☟
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Live Result Starting At
☟ 2 : 55 pm ☟
Nirmal ( NR-364)
🏆1st Prize- Rs :70,00,000/- 🏆
NW 737744 (Adoor)
Agent Name : Reji.T.sam
Agency No : H 1414
Consolation Prize- Rs. 8,000/-
NN 737744 NO 737744
NP 737744 NR 737744
NS 737744 NT 737744
NU 737744 NV 737744
NX 737744 NY 737744
NZ 737744
2nd Prize Rs :10,00,000/-
NS 866590 (Mananthavady)
Agent Name : Saneesh.P
Agency No : W 852
3rd Prize-Rs :100,000/-
NN 113028 (ADIMALY)
NO 693021 (VAIKKOM)
NR 351087 (KOTTAYAM)
NT 379591 (IDUKKI)
NU 217535 (KOLLAM)
NV 670860 (CHITTUR)
NW 446724 (PATTAMBI)
NX 329515 (THIRUR)
NZ 149412 (PALAKKAD)
4th Prize-Rs :5000/-
1040 | 1424 | 1527 | 2892 | 2930 |
2962 | 3817 | 5031 | 5638 | 5987 |
6106 | 6388 | 6606 | 7339 | 7527 |
8382 | 8743 | 9447 |
5th Prize-Rs :1000/-
0060 | 0123 | 0326 | 0520 | 1101 |
1120 | 1430 | 1875 | 2331 | 3179 |
3272 | 3450 | 3950 | 4447 | 4680 |
4837 | 5094 | 5126 | 5150 | 5212 |
5904 | 6088 | 6255 | 6294 | 6343 |
6384 | 6917 | 7623 | 8552 | 8782 |
9250 | 9284 | 9309 | 9494 | 9583 |
9887 |
6th Prize-Rs :500/-
0181 | 0307 | 0362 | 0371 | 0394 |
0719 | 0810 | 0924 | 1030 | 1212 |
1372 | 1412 | 1591 | 1692 | 1746 |
2012 | 2026 | 2029 | 2168 | 2280 |
2327 | 2381 | 2458 | 2501 | 2549 |
2618 | 2735 | 2869 | 3284 | 3376 |
3594 | 3964 | 4091 | 4246 | 4262 |
4331 | 4404 | 4563 | 4624 | 4788 |
4993 | 5200 | 5289 | 5438 | 5618 |
5684 | 5936 | 6047 | 6049 | 6079 |
6107 | 6263 | 7010 | 7069 | 7149 |
7196 | 7330 | 7377 | 7415 | 7484 |
7545 | 7817 | 7869 | 7937 | 8245 |
8377 | 8443 | 8528 | 8738 | 8811 |
8893 | 9100 | 9172 | 9223 | 9244 |
9387 | 9470 | 9472 | 9784 |
7th Prize-Rs :100/-
Here is the table with five columns for the provided set of numbers:
0174 | 0257 | 0299 | 0456 | 0474 |
0657 | 0676 | 0722 | 0729 | 0819 |
0838 | 0873 | 0941 | 0959 | 1014 |
1097 | 1134 | 1144 | 1195 | 1324 |
1366 | 1390 | 1456 | 1511 | 1517 |
1616 | 1993 | 2010 | 2022 | 2056 |
2102 | 2124 | 2282 | 2475 | 2477 |
2493 | 3055 | 3130 | 3134 | 3234 |
3323 | 3373 | 3411 | 3509 | 3567 |
3635 | 3762 | 3787 | 3973 | 4136 |
4218 | 4415 | 4483 | 4490 | 4496 |
4598 | 4623 | 4677 | 4693 | 4701 |
4715 | 4838 | 4839 | 4931 | 4965 |
5024 | 5053 | 5173 | 5206 | 5270 |
5282 | 5370 | 5390 | 5405 | 5494 |
5875 | 5969 | 6044 | 6181 | 6260 |
6358 | 6390 | 6406 | 6441 | 6533 |
6548 | 6566 | 6774 | 6834 | 6892 |
6977 | 7125 | 7177 | 7277 | 7459 |
7544 | 7657 | 7797 | 7904 | 7946 |
7974 | 8012 | 8040 | 8174 | 8612 |
8795 | 8872 | 8876 | 8897 | 9008 |
9251 | 9259 | 9273 | 9415 | 9469 |
9477 | 9515 | 9666 | 9709 | 9713 |
9934 | 9937 |
The winning numbers in the Kerala Government Gazette should be verified by the prize winners, and they are advised to do so within a 30-day period for surrendering their winning tickets.
Next Draw Result held on 9.2.2024