☟ Result 5.1.2024 ☟
This website is only for promotional purposes and informational purposes Only Daily Winning Numbers Result Will be published at Time
Live Result Starting At
☟ 2 : 55 pm ☟
Nirmal ( NR-362)
🏆1st Prize- Rs :70,00,000/- 🏆
NB 177277 (Kottayam)
Agent Name : Suresh kumar.KM
Agency No : K 3311
Consolation Prize- Rs. 8,000/-
NA 177277 NC 177277
ND 177277 NE 177277
NF 177277 NG 177277
NH 177277 NJ 177277
NK 177277 NL 177277
NM 177277
2nd Prize Rs :10,00,000/-
NL 230257 (Kottayam)
Agent Name : Bibi John.K
Agency No : k 6214
3rd Prize-Rs :100,000/-
NA 251774
NB 729208
NC 197426
ND 301817
NE 619276
NF 388056
NG 602964
NH 458181
NJ 398049
NK 127858
NL 543765
NM 251054
4th Prize-Rs :5000/-
0244 | 0497 | 0777 | 0859 | 1218 |
1457 | 2610 | 2837 | 4252 | 4321 |
4523 | 5384 | 5462 | 5801 | 6585 |
7821 | 9275 | 9337 |
5th Prize-Rs :1000/-
0152 | 0286 | 0352 | 0721 | 0951 |
1019 | 1909 | 1915 | 2022 | 2476 |
2653 | 2663 | 2683 | 2702 | 4399 |
4422 | 4431 | 6271 | 6466 | 6467 |
6574 | 6753 | 7271 | 7362 | 7583 |
8281 | 8569 | 8637 | 8816 | 9032 |
9117 | 9449 | 9482 | 9497 | 9635 |
9671 |
6th Prize-Rs :500/-
0281 | 0318 | 0579 | 0756 | 0837 |
0943 | 1076 | 1091 | 1415 | 1424 |
1425 | 1444 | 1490 | 1649 | 1996 |
2054 | 2077 | 2110 | 2306 | 2600 |
2671 | 2723 | 2966 | 3072 | 3210 |
4001 | 4015 | 4035 | 4183 | 4183 |
4490 | 4513 | 4534 | 4625 | 4862 |
5090 | 5514 | 5549 | 5846 | 6033 |
6112 | 6114 | 6193 | 6219 | 6232 |
6252 | 6595 | 6750 | 6810 | 7060 |
7239 | 7243 | 7310 | 7409 | 7423 |
7623 | 7661 | 7782 | 7864 | 7914 |
8008 | 8068 | 8121 | 8138 | 8230 |
8421 | 8521 | 8793 | 8927 | 9005 |
9168 | 9182 | 9190 | 9216 | 9224 |
9422 | 9613 | 9623 | 9658 | 9859 |
7th Prize-Rs :100/-
0013 | 0104 | 0289 | 0340 | 0401 |
0467 | 0491 | 0565 | 0574 | 0635 |
0738 | 1107 | 1592 | 1820 | 1873 |
1884 | 1924 | 1927 | 2019 | 2459 |
2492 | 2586 | 2619 | 2630 | 2660 |
2665 | 2679 | 2680 | 2770 | 2923 |
2931 | 3057 | 3083 | 3106 | 3117 |
3206 | 3317 | 3441 | 3553 | 3585 |
3626 | 3778 | 4028 | 4040 | 4046 |
4075 | 4190 | 4314 | 4319 | 4398 |
4492 | 4510 | 4570 | 4629 | 4683 |
4739 | 4744 | 5140 | 5200 | 5335 |
5372 | 5385 | 5388 | 5405 | 5420 |
5548 | 5721 | 5998 | 6074 | 6085 |
6167 | 6247 | 6411 | 6549 | 6647 |
6662 | 6700 | 6751 | 6832 | 6861 |
6886 | 6890 | 6918 | 7008 | 7022 |
7121 | 7149 | 7208 | 7321 | 7341 |
7394 | 7464 | 7495 | 7569 | 7646 |
7787 | 7853 | 7954 | 8047 | 8125 |
8418 | 8500 | 8530 | 8554 | 8574 |
8727 | 8776 | 8819 | 8852 | 8924 |
8945 | 9051 | 9061 | 9232 | 9531 |
9594 | 9700 | 9730 | 9923 | 9925 |
9926 | 9944 |
The winning numbers in the Kerala Government Gazette should be verified by the prize winners, and they are advised to do so within a 30-day period for surrendering their winning tickets.
Next Draw Result held on 12.1.2024