☟ Result 8.2.2024 ☟
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Live Result Starting At
☟ 2 : 55 pm ☟
Karunya Plus ( KN-508 )
🏆1st Prize- Rs :80,00,000/- 🏆
PL 313959 (Vaikkom)
Agent Name : Sheeja Sajimon
Agency No : K 9169
Consolation Prize- Rs. 8,000/-
PA 13959 PB 13959
PC 13959 PD 13959
PE 13959 PF 13959
PG 13959 PH 13959
PJ 13959 PK 13959
PM 13959
2nd Prize Rs :10,00,000/-
PF 967214 (Attingal)
Agent Name : Shine.DT
Agency No : T 3795
3rd Prize-Rs :1,00,000/-
PA 551390
PB 208339
PC 590534
PD 679100
PE 771703
PF 503605
PG 763007
PH 225807
PJ 894465
PK 498342
PL 667214
PM 350669
4th Prize-Rs :5000/-
0233 | 0363 | 0819 | 2676 | 3556 |
3908 | 5095 | 5348 | 5861 | 6306 |
6407 | 6759 | 7027 | 7093 | 7416 |
8017 | 9839 | 9853 |
5th Prize-Rs :1000/-
0182 | 0207 | 0214 | 0546 | 0862 |
1002 | 1837 | 1947 | 2586 | 2922 |
3097 | 3116 | 3399 | 3429 | 3525 |
3990 | 4574 | 4745 | 4841 | 5834 |
6563 | 6822 | 6874 | 6967 | 7024 |
7045 | 7674 | 7691 | 8399 | 8861 |
8873 | 9005 | 9324 | 9888 |
6th Prize-Rs :500/-
0018 | 0129 | 0256 | 0259 | 0452 |
0616 | 0793 | 0906 | 1047 | 1080 |
1372 | 1448 | 1776 | 1814 | 1827 |
2094 | 2117 | 2314 | 2515 | 2641 |
2724 | 2736 | 2869 | 3059 | 3182 |
3271 | 3284 | 3292 | 3331 | 3344 |
3885 | 3952 | 3957 | 4379 | 4461 |
4590 | 4953 | 4973 | 5008 | 5141 |
5172 | 5416 | 5489 | 5515 | 5604 |
5651 | 5777 | 5926 | 6126 | 6135 |
6196 | 6315 | 6394 | 6619 | 6949 |
7060 | 7091 | 7121 | 7166 | 7306 |
7334 | 7412 | 7550 | 8079 | 8337 |
8668 | 8685 | 8849 | 8862 | 9157 |
9167 | 9249 | 9283 | 9376 | 9460 |
9573 | 9613 | 9651 | 9711 | 9963 |
7th Prize-Rs :100/-
0137 | 0184 | 0246 | 0268 | 0285 |
0536 | 0544 | 0625 | 0739 | 0894 |
0928 | 1045 | 1174 | 1222 | 1319 |
1502 | 1605 | 1623 | 1649 | 1788 |
1895 | 1901 | 1922 | 1960 | 2005 |
2007 | 2026 | 2065 | 2082 | 2086 |
2108 | 2113 | 2398 | 2414 | 2485 |
2713 | 2814 | 2816 | 2879 | 2881 |
2918 | 2997 | 3004 | 3223 | 3225 |
3328 | 3416 | 3454 | 3463 | 3522 |
3577 | 3596 | 3601 | 3632 | 3685 |
3728 | 3737 | 3929 | 3936 | 4068 |
4297 | 4586 | 4613 | 4686 | 4761 |
4801 | 4819 | 4881 | 4883 | 4927 |
5014 | 5123 | 5134 | 5189 | 5260 |
5310 | 5321 | 5378 | 5448 | 5610 |
5824 | 5965 | 6352 | 6752 | 6847 |
7054 | 7077 | 7095 | 7195 | 7244 |
7263 | 7310 | 7437 | 7450 | 7498 |
7563 | 7802 | 7827 | 7898 | 7918 |
7926 | 7936 | 8020 | 8037 | 8150 |
8165 | 8413 | 8589 | 8673 | 8692 |
8752 | 8771 | 8870 | 8890 | 8921 |
9110 | 9146 | 9228 | 9420 | 9428 |
9761 | 9855 | 9870 | 9899 | 9937 |
9943 | 9999 |
The winning numbers in the Kerala Government Gazette should be verified by the prize winners, and they are advised to do so within a 30-day period for surrendering their winning tickets.
Next Draw Result held on 15.2.2024